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Insight Loops - Engaging Stakeholders - Group of people

Inclusion and stakeholder engagement that boosts project success!

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Projects are what fuel an organization forward.


Yet, projects continue to fail at an alarming rate:


  • 70% of transformation projects fail on launch (McKinsey)

  • 44% of strategic initiatives were deemed unsuccessful (Economist/PMI)

  • 46% of new products fail to meet their commercial objectives (PDMA)

Projects touch everyone in the organization.


Yet, people challenges are the biggest cause of projects failing:


  • 80% of employees worldwide are not engaged (Gallup)

  • 54% of workers feel that stress and toxic culture are fixtures of their offices (

  • 70% of change programs fail because of employee resistance  (McKinsey)

There are 7 key places in a project where meaningful stakeholder engagement will boost project success.

Insight Loops - Stakeholder Engagement - overview diagram
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To earn high engagement from stakeholders we need to invite the "whole" person to the conversation.

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Plug us into your project team:

  • Facilitated digital cloud engagements

  • Fueled by Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

  • Discussion & debate (not surveys)


Build buy-in, belonging, agility & transparency …  minimize project surprises along the way.

“We rated the approach five times more effective than how we would have conducted the exercise in the past.  The staff felt that their opinion was recognized, and their ideas added strategic value to the final outcome.”


 VP Corporate Services,

General Hospital & Regional Cardiac Center.

Stakeholder Engagement in Healthcare - research and business image
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