Insight Loops™ helps organizations achieve greater project success through meaningful stakeholder engagement.
How we deliver our mission is guided by these 7 belief statements which we hold dear:
We believe … Stakeholder engagement is the root of project success. Done poorly, the project will flounder, be slow to implement, and most often fail because of hidden information or unforeseen obstacles.

We believe … Diversity is the fuel and inclusion the engine for successful projects. Each stakeholder is wonderfully unique in how they think, communicate, and contribute … and thank goodness for that!
We believe …. Organizational agility is the ability to quickly engage project stakeholders, listen, synthesize, decide and mobilize. Tapping into the real-time insights of stakeholders is a competitive weapon successful organizations have mastered.
We believe …. Collaborative technology has a critical role to play in enabling organizational values in project management. Technology is an underused enabler of quality conversations and informed decision-making (both in-person, virtual, and hybrid). We favor critical think time over hours of meetings.
We believe … Toxic behavioral dysfunctions and cognitive biases have no place in a project. Creating psychological safety for stakeholders and leveraging science to minimize cognitive bias have become core tenants of managing a quality project.
We believe … Each of us as project stakeholders needs to feel respected. We need to feel a sense of belonging and part of the project team. In return, the project will receive our commitment to executing… even if we don’t agree with all the decisions made.
We believe … Stakeholder trust and project transparency bring speed of execution and the confidence of funders and sponsors. Trust and transparency developed through project scoping, the execution process and communicating outcomes (good and bad) ignite the desire to do “more” together.

Founder and Principal
Insight Loops was founded by Deb Krizmanich, an internationally recognized facilitator, executive, and technologist. Deb is an entrepreneur driven by a passion for technologies that unleash the innate potential of individuals and groups.
She began her career at IBM, where she introduced clients to transformational technologies and helped them embrace change by engaging them in its design. She executed a global project to see IBM transform from a product-driven to an industry-driven company .. experiencing all the stakeholder challenges that the project entailed.
Feeling most fulfilled when interacting with customers, she co-founded a web-based healthcare company while the internet was still in its infancy. It enabled healthcare providers, like pharmaceutical companies, to communicate directly with their customers for the first time. She witnessed again how technology can empower and improve people’s lives.
She then co-founded an international NGO igniting community youth aided by technology as enablers of change. Funded by CISCO, IBM, Canada Global Affairs (formerly CIDA), and USAID the organization built local partnerships and executed large-scale projects that brought knowledge and sustainability to individuals, communities, and nations in Africa, the Middle East, and the southern USA.
Her journey brought her to design, build, and launch Powernoodle: cloud-based software that leverages the inherent diversity of people and groups to achieve engaged decision-making.
Insight Loops, a stakeholder engagement services company, is the logical expression of the values, beliefs, and successful approaches that have been developed throughout Deb’s career. She feels most rewarded when organizations and project managers experience what is truly possible when meaningful stakeholder engagement becomes second nature.