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Financial, Policy & Governance Projects

Today the financial focus of organizations is to add more value and creatively increase results.


Executing with an innovation lens versus the traditional focus of minimizing risks, costs, and improving efficiency. 

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Many critical projects requiring meaningful stakeholder engagement fall under the “financial management” heading. 


These projects often involve different communities of external stakeholders and have a direct impact on an organization’s brand and reputation. 


From ESG initiatives to departmental budgeting to Board management, Insight Loops inform decision making and increase project success.

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Financial, Policy & Governance Projects
where meaningful stakeholder engagement boosts project success

  • Budget reallocation and cost cutting projects

  • Capital projects (building, roads, refineries, plants)

  • Mergers and acquisitions, Board of Director projects

  • Compliance & investment projects, ESG initiatives

  • Continuous improvement & process management

  • Environmental, ethics and policy development/update projects

  • Government grant projects & donor funding

 Stakeholder diversity enables planning with an innovation and risk lens

Finance, Policy & Governance Example ...

Problem Identification & Diagnosis

This department of a Fortune 500 Financial Services company was responsible for publishing a critical report that the entire organization depended on for decision making.  The project team required information from every key department in the organization and the report was consistently published late.  They had met in meetings many times to try and diagnose the problem, but the discussions always got derailed and heated.

Insight Loops - Identifying & diagnosing problems with stakeholder engagement image
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