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Human Resources & Learning Projects

Every person within an organization is directly impacted by the policies, processes, and vision of Human Resource management. 


An employee’s productivity, well-being, skills, and alignment with organizational goals are influenced by human resources and learning projects. 

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Meaningful stakeholder engagement should be at the heart of every human resource project. 


Modeling the way forward in project success for the rest of the organization by highlighting the impact of inclusion, diversity, and belonging.

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Human Resources & Learning Projects
where meaningful stakeholder engagement boosts project success

  • Performance management & leadership training projects

  • Cultural transformation (mergers, inclusion & diversity, hybrid work …)

  • Corporate values & behaviors, employee satisfaction initiatives

  • Communication & town hall, labor relations projects

  • HP policy development, outsourcing initiatives

  • Compliance, safety, benefits, and compensation projects

  • Learning program objectives & development

  • Organizational learning needs & gaps projects

Human Resources projects need to model the way forward in stakeholder engagement.

Human Resources & Learning Example ...

Project Reflection Insights:

After two years in the field, an international economic development program was shut down and considered a failure with costs overruns and benefits not realized. 


What followed was months attempting to diagnose what had happened and what lessons learned could be salvaged from the project...

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