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Nonprofit & NGO Projects

Nonprofits and NGOs deliver projects from the previous categories mentioned (strategy, financial, human resources, etc) but also a unique set of initiatives where stakeholder engagement is critical for success. 


Participatory engagement is another term used for stakeholder engagement and involves multi-way discussion, debate, and collaboration. 

Involving stakeholders early and often throughout the project drives a more robust project with deeper impact and commitment to implementation. 


Engaging a nonprofit’s partners, community, board of directors, local stakeholders, and donors builds trust and transparency. 


Transparency builds confidence and respect, and in turn, increases the desire to do more projects together. 

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Nonprofit & NGO Projects
where meaningful stakeholder engagement boosts project success

  • Funding and grant request proposal development

  • Donation management projects

  • Volunteer and conference projects

  • Community program development and deployment

  • Human rights, advocacy, social, educational, health, & environmental 

  • Millennium Development Goals (MDG) projects

  • Committee and partner management projects

Donor transparency and stakeholder engagement build confidence & respect

Nonprofit & NGO Example ...

Project Reflection Insights:

After two years in the field, an international economic development program was shut down and considered a failure with costs overruns and benefits not realized. 


What followed was months attempting to diagnose what had happened and what lessons learned could be salvaged from the project...

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