A highly visible government department had identified 12 strategic initiatives in their two-year plan to transform their customer experience. They had tried using surveys and in-person workshops with employees and partners to assess the progress they were making. Project stakeholders ended up sharing what they *thought* the project team wanted to hear for fear of reprisal and, as a result, the picture painted did not reflect reality.

Together, as an extension to the project team, 1,500 stakeholders (including direct customers) were engaged in a Progress Loop over one week. Not only were they asked to quantify the progress on each of the strategic initiatives, but to also identify, discuss and debate everyday examples of behaviors they had seen which supported or undermined the initiatives.
Progress Loop Results!
Three key benefits were experienced including …
deeper critical thinking which resulted in a better understanding of the initiatives and ideal behaviors.
how psychological safety played a key role in the results, which highlighted an opposite picture of progress compared to surveys conducted earlier.
far more cost-effective and efficient for the project team to execute and project stakeholders to engage