Solution Loops:
Solving Problems
One of the cornerstones of innovative solution development and Decision Quality is to ensure a rich set of creative alternatives has been developed.
A key way to solve a problem is by engaging a diverse-rich group of project stakeholders in Solution Loops.

Unfortunately, this is harder than it sounds based on the busy and distributed world we live in today. Project stakeholders are wary of contributing their time if the organization’s culture is one of bureaucracy and toxic dysfunction. When good problem solutions go unfunded and are left to die on the vine, stakeholders will be reluctant to engage.
Project teams today, don’t always have the luxury of spending the time needed to investigate and choose the “one perfect solution”. The risk is that the problem frame changes before the solution can be implemented. Sometimes, implementing several smaller solutions faster is the best way forward given uncertainty and time constraints.

Solution Loops Deliver ...
the opportunity to solve problems with project stakeholders efficiently without long meetings, respecting how busy and burned-out people are.
problem resolution with a focus on quality by minimizing toxic behavioral dysfunction and cognitive biases when developing credible alternatives.
much needed buy-in and commitment to execution with stakeholder engagement in the problem solving process
Solution Loops engage busy stakeholders by respecting how and where they work best.
Solution Loops Example ...
Problem Solving Example:
Research and Development (R&D) Stakeholders
The R&D department of this global engineering company often initiates projects to look at new technologies in the marketplace.
In this case, their focus was on the potential applications of drone technology to drive value for the company. In the past, they conducted these exercises as video conferencing meetings...