Launch Loops:
Project Launch Insights
There is not a project or project launch plan in the world that will result in a perfect launch. The faster the issues and gaps can be identified and remedied the sooner the benefits will be realized.
Valuable and timely project stakeholder insights at project launch can combat both volatility and uncertainty.
There is nothing more frustrating for front-line stakeholders involved in the launch of a product, program, or process than not to be asked, in real-time, what they are experiencing. These stakeholders are vested in the success of the launch and have valuable insights (good and bad) which can help to quickly identify and prioritize needed changes.
Launch Loops are one of the most competitive weapons an organization can implement to fight volatility and uncertainty. Agility and adaptability are the result of simply asking project stakeholders what they are experiencing first-hand and then prioritizing and communicating the next actions to be taken.
Launch Loops Deliver ...
a deeper sense of belonging by stakeholders when they feel respected and their perspectives are valued.
a stronger sense of team and transparency … the project team communicates they don’t have all the answers but, together, the best way forward to fix launch problems can be found.
valuable and timely stakeholder insights inform project team decision-making.
Launch Loops are a competitive weapon in developing
project resilience.
Launch Loops Example ...
Project Launch Insights Example:
Sales & Marketing Stakeholders
A medical technology company was launching an important new product in North America. They had several competitors and had to be prepared to quickly adjust pricing and support options.
In the past they had relied on focus groups to collect these insights but the feedback was slow and expensive to collect.