Reflection Loops:
Project Reflection Insights
Whether they are called a project retrospective, lessons learned, post-mortem or debriefing everyone intellectually agrees that the learnings from a project should be discussed and shared as knowledge for future phases of the project or for an efficient start to new projects.
The unfortunate problem is only a minority of initiatives implement these valuable project reflections.

Gaining access to busy project stakeholders, ineffective and time-consuming execution and hidden information for fear of reprisal are the most often cited reasons.
Reflection Loops are delivered with psychological safety and enable stakeholder engagement of even the busiest in-demand subject matter experts.
Organizations can add tremendous value and reduce the costs associated with reinventing the wheel if they implement the reflection process respectfully and with time for “slow thinking”.

Reflection Loops Deliver ...
reduced project costs and the associated rework associated with previously failed experiences that can now be avoided.
incremental value brought to the table by doing more of what has worked in the past.
more innovative and creative project thinking throughout the project by engaging a more diverse and extended project stakeholder team.
Reflection Loops add incremental project value and minimize costly rework.
Reflection Loops Example ...
Project Reflection Insights:
Non Profit Stakeholder Engagement
After two years in the field, an international economic development program was shut down and considered a failure with costs overruns and benefits not realized.
What followed was months attempting to diagnose what had happened and what lessons learned could be salvaged from the project...